Statistics and Numerical Methods by Sivaramakrishna Das. Edition: 10Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (10) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 519.5 R2 SIV.
Fluid power with applications by Anthony Esposito. Edition: 6Language: English Publication details: pearson 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 620.106 Q2 ESP.
Mechanical Vibrations by Singiresu S Rao. Edition: 4Language: English Publication details: pearson 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 620.3 Q2 SIN.
Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Michael Greenberg. Edition: 2Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 510 Q4 GRE.
Introduction to Parallel computing by Ananth Grama. Edition: 2Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 005.275 Q5 GRA.
Computer systems a programmer's perspective by Randal E Bryant. Language: English Publication details: pearson 2016Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 004.22 Q6 BRY.
Statistics and Numerical methods by Sivaramakrishna das. Edition: 10Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 519.5 R2 SIV.
Statistics and Numerical methods by Sivaramakrishna das. Edition: 10Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 519.5 R2 SIV.
Statistics and Numerical methods by Sivaramakrishna das. Edition: 10Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 519.5 R2 SIV.
Adaptive filter theory by Simon Haykin. Edition: 4Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2020Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No. 459-460 Call number: 621.384 R0 HAY.
Don't make me think by Steve Krug. Edition: 2Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No. 130-132 Call number: 006.7 Q3 KRU.
Computer Networking A Top-Down approach by James F Kurose. Edition: 8Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (3) . Not available: Checked out (1). Location(s): Shelf No. 38-42 Call number: 004.6 R2 KUR.
Cryptography and Network security principles and practice by William Stallings. Edition: 8Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (3) . Not available: Checked out (1). Location(s): Shelf No. 109-115 Call number: 005.8 R3 STA.
Database systems by Thomas M Connolly. Edition: 6Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Not available: Checked out (2). Location(s): Shelf No. 103-107 Call number: 005.74 R3 CON.
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and expert systems by Dan W Patterson. Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No. 116-119 Call number: 006.3 R3 PAT.
Artificial Intelligence Amodern approach by Stuart Russell. Edition: 4Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (3) . Not available: Checked out (1). Location(s): Shelf No. 116-119 Call number: 006.3 R2 RUS.
Database systems The complete book by Hector Garcia-Molina. Edition: 2Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No. 103-107 Call number: 005.74 R2 MOL.
Artificial Intelligence by Patrick Henry Winston. Edition: 3Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (4) . Not available: Checked out (1). Location(s): Shelf No. 116-119 Call number: 006.3 Q0 WIN.
Microwave Circuit Design A Practical approach using ADS by Kyung-Whan Yeom. Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No. 383-384 Call number: 621.3813 Q5 YEO.
Introduction to The design and analysis of algorithms by Anany Levitin. Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No. 180 Call number: 511.8 R3 LEV.
TechnicalCommunication A Practical Approach by William Sanborn Pfeiffer. Edition: 6Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No. 139-141 Call number: 401.4 Q3 PFE.
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis by Richard A Johnson. Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (3) . Location(s): Shelf No.213-217 Call number: 519.5 Q5 JOH.
Data Structures and Algorithms by Alfred V Aho. Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (3) . Location(s): Shelf No.97-102 Call number: 005.73 Q3 AHO.
Elements of Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement by Joseph J Carr. Edition: 3Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (3) . Location(s): Shelf No.409-411 Call number: 621.381548 P8 CAR.
Sustainable Engineering by David T Allen. Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.613-617 Call number: 620.8 Q5 ALL.
Digital Fundamentals by Thomas L Floyd. Edition: 11Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (3) . Location(s): Shelf No.385-405 Call number: 621.3815 R2 FLO.
Probability and Statistics for Engineering and Sciences by Ronald E Walpole Raymond H Myers. Edition: 9Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.196-203 Call number: 519.2 R2 WAL.
Artificial Intelligence by Patrick Henry Winston. Edition: 3Language: English Publication details: Pearson 1992Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.116-119 Call number: 006.3 K2 WIN.
Indian Society for Civil Services Main Exam GS Paper I by M Senthil Kumar S Rijesh. Edition: 2Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.641 Call number: 371.262 R2 SEN.
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence by Eugene Charniak Drew Mcdermott. Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.116-119 Call number: 006.3 P6 CHA.
Mechanics of Materials by R C Hibbeler. Edition: 9Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2019Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (3) . Location(s): Shelf No.303-311 Call number: 620.112 Q9 HIB.
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis by Richard A Johnson Dean W Wichern. Edition: 6Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.213-217 Call number: 519.53 Q5 JOH.
Fluid Power with Applications by Anthony Esposito. Edition: 7Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (3) . Location(s): Shelf No.291-296 Call number: 620.106 R2 ESP.
Computer Graphics by Donald D Hearn Pauline Baker. Edition: 2Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.126-129 Call number: 006.6 R2 HEA.
Python for Programmers by Paul Deitel Harvey Deitel. Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Not available: Checked out (4). Location(s): Shelf No.75-78 Call number: 005.13 R2 DEI.
Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing by Warren J Luzadder Jon M Duff. Edition: 11Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.267-272 Call number: 604.2 Q5 LUZ.
Statistics and Numerical Methods by Sivaramakrishna Das Vijayakumari. Edition: 10Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.213-217 Call number: 519.5 R2 DAS.
Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering by Bhattacharya S K. Edition: 2Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.325-332 Call number: 621.3 R2 BHA.
Essential University Physics by Richard Wolfson. Edition: 2Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.223-234 Call number: 530 Q2 WOL.
A Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis by Mendham Denney Barnes Thomas Sivasankar. Edition: 6Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.259-260 Call number: 545 R2 MEN.
Applied Numerical Analysis by Curtis F Gerald Patrick O Wheatley. Edition: 7Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2017Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.206-212 Call number: 519.4 Q7 GER.
Product Design by Kevin Otto Kristin Wood. Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (3) . Location(s): Shelf No.665 Call number: 658.5752 P6 OTT.
Miller & Freund's Probability and Statistics for Engineers by Richard A Johnson. Edition: 9Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2020Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Not available: Checked out (1). Location(s): Shelf No.196-203 Call number: 519.2 R0 JOH.
Mechanical Vibrations by Singiresu S Rao. Edition: 6Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2018Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (3) . Location(s): Shelf No.314-315 Call number: 620.3 Q8 RAO.
Miller & Freund's Probability and Statistics for Engineers by Richard A Johnson. Edition: 8Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2020Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.196-203 Call number: 519.2 R0 JOH.
Compilers Principles, Techniques, and Tools by Alfred V.Aho. Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 005.453 P4 AHO.
Engineering Mechanics by Jaget Babu. Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 620.1 Q2 JAG.
Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C by Anita Goel. Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 005.13 Q3 ANI.
Introduction to the Design & Analysis of Algorithms by Anany Levitin. Edition: 2Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 511.8 Q3 LEV .
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C by Mark Allen Weiss. Edition: 2Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 005.73 Q2 WEI.
FAQS for Computer Programming with C by Rajaram. Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 005.13 Q4 RAJ.
FAQS for Computer Programming with C by Rajaram. Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 005.13 Q4 RAJ.
The C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustrup. Edition: 3Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 005.13 Q4 STR.
Electronic Circuits -I by Ravish R Singh. Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 621.3815 Q3 RAV.
Advanced Electronic Communications Systems by Wayne Tomasi. Edition: 6Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 621.38 Q4 TOM.
Electronic Devices by Thomas L Floyd. Edition: 9Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2017Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 621.3815 Q7 FLO.
Technical Communication by William Sanborn Pfeiffer. Edition: 6Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 808.0666 Q2 PFE.
Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Glyn James. Edition: 3Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 510 Q4 JAM.
Linear Integrated Circuits by Visvesvara Rao. Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 621.3815 Q5 VIS.
Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C by Anita Goel. Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 005.13 Q3 ANI.
Gas Turbine Theory by HIH Saravanamutto. Edition: 5Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 621.43 Q4 HIH.
Digital Fundamentals by Thomas L Floyd. Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 621.3815 Q1 FLO.
Communication Skills For Engineers by Muralikrishna. Edition: 2Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 808.0666 Q1 MUR.
Control systems Engineering by Salivahanan. Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 629.8 Q5 SAL.
Digital Design by Morris Mano. Edition: 6Language: English Publication details: Pearson 2018Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 621.3815 Q8 MOR.
ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS by SIVARAMAKRISHNA DAS, RUKMANGADACHARI E. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (12) . Not available: Checked out (8). Location(s): Shelf No.148-171 Call number: 510 Q3 SIV.
ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS FAQ by SIVARAMAKRISHNA DAS, VIJAYAKUMARI C. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (13) . Not available: Checked out (7). Location(s): Shelf No.148-171 Call number: 510 Q4 SIV.
ENGINEERING PHYSICS by MANI NAIDU S. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (14) . Location(s): Shelf No.223-234 Call number: 530 Q4 MAN.
ENGINEERING PHYSICS by MARI KANI S. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (6) . Location(s): Shelf No.223-234 Call number: 530 Q4 MAN.
LONGMAN DICTIONARY OF COMMON ERRORS by TURTON N D, HEATON J B. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 1996Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): REFERENCE SECTION Call number: 423 N6 TUR.
THE PEARSON CONCISE GENERAL KNOWLEDGE MANUAL 2014 by EDGAR THORPE, SHOWICK THORPE. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.642-650 Call number: 371.262 P6 THO.
THE PEARSON GENERAL KNOWLEDGE MANUAL 2014 by EDGAR THORPE, SHOWICK THORPE. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.642-650 Call number: 371.262 Q4 THO.
DIGITAL DESIGN by MORRIS MANO. Edition: 5Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (24) . Not available: Checked out (1). Location(s): Shelf No.385-405 Call number: 621.3815 Q3 MAN.
DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHM ANALYSIS IN C by MARK ALLEN WEISS. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 1997Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No.97-102 Call number: 005.73 N7 WEI.
DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS by AHO, HOPCROFT, ULLMAN. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 1983Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (8) . Location(s): Shelf No.97-102 Call number: 005.73 M3 AHO.
PROGRAMMING IN C by STEPHEN G KOCHAN. Edition: 3Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (3) . Location(s): Shelf No.59-64 Call number: 005.13 P5 KOC.
DATABASE SYSTEMS: MODELS, LANGUAGES, DESIGN AND APPLLICATION by RAMEZ ELMASRI, SHAMKANT B NAVATHE. Edition: 6Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (30) . Location(s): Shelf No.103-108 Call number: 005.74 Q3 ELM.
AN INTRODUCTION TO DATABASE SYSTEMS by DATE C J, KANNAN A, SWAMYNATHAN S. Edition: 8Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (4) . Not available: Checked out (1). Location(s): Shelf No.103-108 Call number: 005.74 P6 DAT.
COMPUTER SYSTEMS DESIGN AND ARCHITECTURE by VINCENT P HEURING, JORDAN, VENKATESH. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No.28-35 Call number: 004.22 P8 HEU.
COMPUTER NETWORKING by JAMES F KUROSE, KEITH W ROSS. Edition: 5Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No.38-42 Call number: 004.6 Q2 KUR.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING by IAN SOMMERVILLE. Edition: 8Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No.48-54 Call number: 005.1 Q1 SOM.
MASTERING C++ by VENUGOPAL, RAJKUMAR BUYYA. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No.65-68 Call number: 005.13 Q3 VEN.
DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING by POORNA CHANDRA, SASIKALA. Edition: 3Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No.427-439 Call number: 621.3822 Q3 POO.
DIGITAL DESIGN: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES by JOHN F WARKERLY. Edition: 4Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (3) . Location(s): Shelf No.471-480 Call number: 621.395 P8 WAK.
INTRODUCTION TO THE DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS by ANANY LEVITIN. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (26) . Not available: Checked out (4). Location(s): Shelf No.82-85 Call number: 005.276 P8 LEV.
MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY by SEROPE KALPAKJIAN, STEVEN R SCHMID. Edition: 4Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (29) . Not available: Checked out (1). Location(s): Shelf No.679-680 Call number: 670.42 P1 SER.
THEORY OF MACHINES: KINEMATICS AND DYNAMICS by SADHU SINGH. Edition: 3Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (30) . Location(s): Shelf No.679-680 Call number: 621.8 Q2 SAD.
DIGITAL PRINCIPLES AND DESIGN by DONALD G GIVONE. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No.374-382 Call number: 621.381 P3 GIV.
DIGITAL SYSTEMS: PRINCIPLES AND DESIGN by RAJ KAMAL. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (10) . Location(s): Shelf No.374-382 Call number: 621.381 P5 RAJ.
DIGITAL DESIGN by MORRIS MANO, MICHAEL CILETTI. Edition: 5Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (9) . Not available: Checked out (1). Location(s): Shelf No.374-382 Call number: 621.3815 Q3 MAN.
ELECTRONIC DEVICES: CONVENTIONAL CURRENT VERSION by THOMAS L FLOYD. Edition: 7Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (10) . Location(s): Shelf No.374-382 Call number: 621.381 P8 FLO.
ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUIT THEORY by ROBERT L BOYLESTAD, LOUIS NASHELSKY. Edition: 10Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (8) . Not available: Checked out (2). Location(s): Shelf No.385-405 Call number: 621.3815 P9 BOY.
FUNDAMENTALS OF ANALOG CIRCUITS by THOMAS L FLOYD, DAVID BUCHLA. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No.385-405 Call number: 621.3815 Q2 FLO.
APPLIED NUMERICAL ANALYSIS by CURTIS F GERALD, PATRICK O WHEATLEY. Edition: 7Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No.206-212 Call number: 519.4 P4 GER.
THE C++ PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE by BJARNE STROUSTRUP. Edition: 3Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2000Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): DL-CSE Call number: 005.13 P0 STR.
C++ PRIMER by STANELY B LIPPMAN, LAJOIE, MOO. Edition: 4Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (4) . Not available: Checked out (1). Location(s): Shelf No.65-68 Call number: 005.13 P5 LIP.
DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING by JOHN G PROAKIS, MANOLAKIS. Edition: 4Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (10) . Location(s): Shelf No.427-439 Call number: 621.3822 P7 PRO.
DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING by SEN M KUO, WOON-SENG GAN. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No.427-439 Call number: 621.3822 P7 PRO.
DIGITAL SYSTEMS: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS by RONALD J TOCCI, WIDMER, MOSS. Edition: 10Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (10) . Location(s): Shelf No.374-382 Call number: 621.381 P9 TOC.
ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUIT THEORY by ROBERT L BOYLESTAD, LOUIS NASHELSKY. Edition: 10Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (3) . Location(s): Shelf No.385-405 Call number: 621.3815 Q3 BOY.
PROGRAMMING IN C by STEPHEN G KOCHAN. Edition: 3Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (7) . Location(s): DL-CSE Call number: 005.13 Q3 KOC.
ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUIT THEORY by ROBERT L BOYLESTAD, LOUIS NASHELSKY. Edition: 10Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.385-405 Call number: 621.3815 P9 BOY.
PROGRAMMING IN C by STEPHEN G KOCHAN. Edition: 3Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.59-64 Call number: 005.13 P5 KOC.
OBJECT - ORIENTED PROGRAMMING: USING C++ by IRA POHL. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 1999Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (10) . Location(s): Shelf No.55-57 Call number: 005.117 N9 POH.
SURVEYING by ARTHUR BANNISTER, STANELY RAYMOND, BAKER. Edition: 7Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (25) . Location(s): Shelf No.541-552 Call number: 526.9 N8 BAN.
ADVANCED SURVEYING by SATHEESH GOPI, SATHISKUMAR, MADHU. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No.541-552 Call number: 526.9 P7 SAT.
FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY by JOHN REITZ, FREDERICK J MILFORD, ROBERT CHRISTY. Edition: 4Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No.235-239 Call number: 530.141 Q0 REI.
THE C++ PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE by BJARNE STROUSTRUP. Edition: 3Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2000Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): DL-CSE Call number: 005.13 P0 STR.
COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE by WILLIAM STALLINGS. Edition: 8Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No.28-35 Call number: 004.22 Q0 STA.