Machine Tool Design Handbook by Tata McGraw-Hill (PUB). Language: English Publication details: Tata McGraw- Hill Edition 1983Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 621.9 M3 TAT.
Machine Design by Allen S Hall. Language: English Publication details: Tata McGraw Hill 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 621.815 Q0 HAL.
Materials Science and engineering by William F Smith. Language: English Publication details: Tata McGraw Hill 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 620.11 P8 SMI.
Power System Analysis by Hadi Saadat. Language: English Publication details: Tata McGraw-Hill 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (3) . Location(s): Shelf No.348-356 Call number: 621.319 P5 SAA.
Power System Analysis by Hadi Saadat. Language: English Publication details: Tata Mcgraw-Hill 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.357 Call number: 621.3191 P2 SAA.
Digital Principles and Applications by Albert Paul Malvino. Edition: 4Language: English Publication details: Tata McGraw- Hill Edition 1995Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 621.38153 N5 Mal.
VISUAL Basic 6 From the Ground up by Gary Cornell. Language: English Publication details: Tata McGraw- Hill Edition 1999Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 005.13 N9 COR.
Programming in Basic by Balagurusamy. Edition: 3Language: English Publication details: Tata McGraw- Hill Edition 1994Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 005.13 N4 BAL.
Systems Programming by John J Donovan. Language: English Publication details: Tata McGraw- Hill Edition 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 005.13 P1 DON.
Programming with Fortran 77 by Ram Kumar. Language: English Publication details: Tata McGraw- Hill Edition 1997Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 005.13 N7 RAM.
Cracking the IT Interview by Balasubramaniam. Language: English Publication details: Tata McGraw- Hill Edition 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 005.1023 P7 BAL.
IBM PC and Clones by Govindarajalu. Edition: 2Language: English Publication details: Tata McGraw- Hill Edition 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 003 P2 GOV.
Machine Design by Kulkarni. Language: English Publication details: Tata McGraw- Hill Edition 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 621.815 P3 KUL.
Introduction to Microprocessors by Aditya P Mathur. Edition: 2Language: English Publication details: Tata McGraw- Hill Edition 1987Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 004.16 M7 ADI.
Production Technology by HMT. Language: English Publication details: Tata McGraw- Hill Edition 1969Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 670 K9 HMT.
Handbook of Machine Foundations by Srinivasulu. Language: English Publication details: Tata McGraw- Hill Edition 1992Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 624.15 N2 SRI.
Fluid mechanics by Victor L Streeter. Edition: 9Language: English Publication details: Tata McGraw- Hill Edition 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 620.106 Q1 STR.
Internal Combustion Engines by Ganesan. Edition: 3Language: English Publication details: Tata McGraw- Hill Edition 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 621.43 P7 GAN.
Heat and Mass Transfer by Yunus A Cengel. Language: English Publication details: Tata McGraw- Hill Edition 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 621.4022 Q1 CEN.
Heat and Mass Transfer by Yunus A Cengel. Edition: 4Language: English Publication details: Tata McGraw- Hill Edition 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 621.4022 Q1 CEN.
Internal Combustion Engines by Ganesan. Edition: 3Language: English Publication details: Tata McGraw- Hill Edition 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 621.43 P7 GAN.
FUNDAMENTALS OF SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES by ACHUTHAN M K, BHAT K N. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (10) . Location(s): Shelf No.406-407 Call number: 621.38152 P4 ACH.
OBJECTIVE ENGLISH FOR COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS by HARI MOHAN PRASAD, UMS RANI SINHA. Edition: 5Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.642-650 Call number: 371.262 Q4 HAR.
DIGITAL ELECTRONICS by SOUMITRA KUMAR MANDAL. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 2012Availability: Not available: Checked out (1).
FUNDAMENTALS OF SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS by MICHAEL J ROBERTS. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (9) . Not available: Checked out (1). Location(s): Shelf No.440-446 Call number: 621.38223 P8 ROB.
FUNDAMENTALS OF SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS by MICHAEL J ROBERTS. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (9) . Not available: Checked out (1). Location(s): Shelf No.440-446 Call number: 621.38223 Q0 ROB.
ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS DISCRETE AND INTEGRATED by DONALD L SCHILLING. Edition: 3Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 1989Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (10) . Location(s): Shelf No.385-405 Call number: 621.3815 M9 SCH.
BUILDING MATERIALS PRODUCTS, PROPERTIES AND SYSTEMS by M L GAMBHIR. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No.705-708 Call number: 691 Q1 GAM.
ESSENTIALS OF MANAGEMENT AN INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE by HAROLD KOONTZ, HEINZ WEIHRICH. Edition: 6Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.648 Call number: 658 P4 KOO.
PROGRAMMING WITH JAVA A PRIMER by BALAGURUSAMY E. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No. 46-75 Call number: 005.13 N8 BAL.
PROGRAMMING IN BASIC by BALAGURUSAMY E. Edition: 3Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 1991Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No. 46-75 Call number: 005.13 N1 BAL.
PC SOFTWARE FOR WINDOWS MADE SIMPLE by TAXALI R K. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.5-6 Call number: 004.1 N8 TAX.
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE by ELAINE RICH, KEVIN KNIGHT. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 1991Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.116-119 Call number: 006.3 N1 RIC.
COBOL PROGRAMMING INCLUDING MS-COBOL AND COBOL-85 by ROY M K, GHOSH DASTIDAR D. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 1995Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No. 46-75 Call number: 005.13 N5 ROY.
PROGRAMMING WITH FORTRAN 77 by RAM KUMAR. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 1986Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No. 45 Call number: 005.13 M6 KUM.
SCHAUM'S OUTLINES COMPUTER NETWORKING by ED TITTEL. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No.38-42 Call number: 004.6 P2 TIT.
ELECTRIC MACHINERY by A E FITZGERALD. Edition: 6Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (6) . Location(s): Shelf No.333-339 Call number: 621.31042 P3 FIT.
POWERPLANT TECHNOLOGY by EL-WAKIL M M. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.340-343 Call number: 621.312 Q0 WAK.
ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS by VEERARAJAN T. Edition: 3Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.148-171 Call number: 510 P4 VEE.
BASIC ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING by MUTHUSUBRAMANIAN R, SALIVAHANAN S. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 1994Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.325-332 Call number: 621.3 N4 MUT.
PROGRAMMING IN BASIC INCLUDING IBM PC BASIC by BALAGURUSAMY E. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 1983Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.2-3 Call number: 003 M3 BAL.
MARKETING MANAGEMENT TEXT AND CASES by CHANDRASEKAR. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.666 Call number: 658.8 Q0 CHA.
DATA WAREHOUSING, DATA MINING & OLAP by ALEX BERSON. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No.103-108 Call number: 005.74 P4 BER.
THE COMPLETE REFERENCE JAVA 2 by PATRICK NAUGHTON. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 1999Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): DL-CSE Call number: 005.13 N9 NAU.
EXPLORING PYTHON by TIMOTHY A BUDD. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): DL-CSE Call number: 005.13 Q1 BUD.
ORACLE 8 PL/SQL PROGRAMMING by SCOTT URMAN. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 1997Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): DL-CSE Call number: 005.75 N7 URM.
COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS ANALOG & DIGITAL by SINGH. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): DL-CSE Call number: 621.382 P7 SIN.
PROGRAMMING AND CUSTOMIZING THE PIC MICROCONTROLLER by MYKE PREDKO. Edition: 3Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): DL-CSE Call number: 629.89 P8 PRE.
DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING by SALIVAHANAN. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): DL-CSE Call number: 621.3822 P1 SAL.
BASIC ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING by JIMMIE J CATHEY. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): DL-CSE Call number: 621.3 P7 CAT.
CRITICAL THINKING A STUDENTS INTRODUCTION by GREGORY BASSHAM. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): DL-CSE Call number: 153.42 P5 BAS.
HANDBOOKOK OF GEAR DESIGN by GITIN M MAITRA. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 1994Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.531 Call number: 621.833 N4 MAI.
OPERATING SYSTEMS A SPIRAL APPROACH by RAMEZ ELMASRI. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (3) . Location(s): Shelf No.85-91 Call number: 005.43 Q0 ELM.
PROCESS HEAT TRANSFER by DONALD Q KERN. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.497-501 Call number: 621.4022 P9 KER.
PRINCIPLES OF METAL CASTING by RICHARD W HEINE. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 1967Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.689 Call number: 671.2 K7 HEI.
MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY FOUNDRY, FORMING AND WELDING by RAO. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA MCGRAW HILL 1987Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.670-673 Call number: 670 M7 RAO.
ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS by SALIVAHANAN. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.385-405 Call number: 621.3815 Q1 SAL.
POWER SYSTEM PROTECTION AND SWITCHGEAR by BADRI RAM, VISHWAKARMA. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.344-347 Call number: 621.317 Q1 BAD.
ELECTRIC MACHINERY by FITZGERALD,CHARLES KINGSLEY, STEPHEN D UMANS. Edition: 6Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.333-339 Call number: 621.31042 P3 FIT.
COMPILER CONSTRUCTION/ PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE by KENNETH C LOUDEN. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.94-96 Call number: 005.453 Q1 LOU.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING/ A PRACTITIONER’S APPROACH by ROGER S PRESSMAN. Edition: 6Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): DL-CSE Call number: 005.1 Q3 PRE.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING/ PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE by WAMAN S JAWADEKAR. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.48-54 Call number: 005.1 P4 JAW.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING by STEPHEN SCHACH. Edition: 7Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.48-54 Call number: 005.1 P7 SCH.
INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING SYSTEMS by YALE N PATT, SANJAY J PATEL. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.4 Call number: 004 P4 PAT.
INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS by PETER NORTON. Edition: 7Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.5-6 Call number: 004.1 Q1 NOR.
CLOUD COMPUTING/ A PRACTICAL APPROACH by ANTHONY T VELTE, TOBY J VELTE, ROBERT ELSENPETER. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.47 Call number: 004.6782 Q0 VEL.
COMMUNICATION NETWORKS/ FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS AND KEY ARCHITECTURES by ALBERTO LEON-GARCIA, INDRA WIDJAJA. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.414-426 Call number: 621.382 Q4 GAR.
COMPUTING FUNDAMENTALS PROGRAMMING by BALAGURUSAMY. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.48-54 Call number: 005.1 Q2 BAL.
COMPUTER GRAPHICS by AMARENDRA N SINHA, ARUN D UDAI. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.126-129 Call number: 006.6 Q3 AMA.
COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE/ AN EMBEDDED APPROACH by IAN McLOUGHLIN. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.28-35 Call number: 004.22 Q1 MCL.
DATA STRUCTURES by CHITRA A, RAJAN P T. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.97-102 Call number: 005.73 P8 CHI.
DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS IN C ++ by BRIJENDRA KUMAR JOSHI. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.97-102 Call number: 005.73 Q1 BRI.
DATA STRICTURES WITH C / SCHAUM'S OUTLINES by SEYMOUR LIPSCHUTZ. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.97-102 Call number: 005.73 Q3 LIP.
8086 MICROPROCESSOR AND ITS APPLICATIONS by NAGOOR KANI A. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.7-20 Call number: 004.16 Q3 NAG.
PROGRAMMING WITH C ++/ WITH ANSI C++ STANDERS by RAVICHANDRAN D. Edition: 3Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.65-68 Call number: 005.13 Q1 RAV.
THE COMPLETE REFERENCE J2EE by JIM KEOGH. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.69-74 Call number: 005.13 Q3 KEO.
J2EE ARCHITECTURE by KUMAR B V, SANGEETHA S, SUBRAHMANYA. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.69-74 Call number: 005.13 P9 KUM.
JAVA IN EASY STEPS by MIKE McGRATH. Edition: 3Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.69-74 Call number: 005.13 Q0 MCG.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING A PRACTITIONER'S APPROACH by PRESSMAN R S. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.48-54 Call number: 005.1 Q0 PRE.
JAVA THE COMPLETE REFERENCE by HERBERT SCHILDT. Edition: 7Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (4) . Location(s): Shelf No.69-74 Call number: 005.13 Q2 SCH.
OPERATING SYSTEMS PRINCIPLES AND DESIGN by GODBOLE AS. Edition: 3Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.85-91 Call number: 005.43 Q1 GOD.
OPERATING SYSTEMS A DESIGN ORIENTED APPROACH by CHARLES CROWLEY. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.85-91 Call number: 005.43 N8 CRO.
OBJECT ORIENTED SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT by ALI BAHRAMI. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.55-57 Call number: 005.117 P8 ALI.
OPERATING SYSTEMS A SPIRAL APPROACH by ELMASRI, CARRICK, LEVINE. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.85-91 Call number: 005.43 Q0 ELM.
PROGRAMMING IN ANSI by BALAGURUSAMY E. Edition: 6Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.73 Call number: 005.133 Q3 BAL.
JAVA 2 THE COMPLETE REFERENCE by HERBERT SCHILDT. Edition: 5Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.69-74 Call number: 005.13 P2 SCH.
JAVA SCRIPT, THE COMPLETE REFERENCE by POWELL. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Not available: Checked out (1). Location(s): Shelf No.69-74 Call number: 005.13 POW.
JAVA SERVER FACES 2.0, THE COMPLETE REFERENCE by BURNS. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.69-74 Call number: 005.13 BUR.
ADVANCED CONCEPTS IN OPERATING SYSTEMS by SINGHAL. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.85-91 Call number: 005.43 SIN.
ADVANCED MICROPROCESSOR by BADRI RAM. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.7-20 Call number: 004.16 BAD.
CLIENT / SERVER COMPUTING by DEWIRE. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.37 Call number: 004.36 DEW.
C PROGRAMMING by McGRATH. Edition: 3Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.59-64 Call number: 005.13 MCG.
C: THE COMPLETE REFERENCE by SCHILDT. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.59-64 Call number: 005.13 SCH.
ASP: 3.0: A BEGINNERS GUIDE by MERCER. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.82-85 Call number: 005.276 MER.
THE INTERNET COMPLETE REFERENCE by HAHN. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.45-46 Call number: 004.678 HAH.
TCP/IP by FEIT. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No. 28-33 Call number: 004.62 FEI.
SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS by RAO. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL Availability: Not available: Checked out (2).
SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS by POORNACHANDRAN. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL Availability: Not available: Checked out (2).
MILLMANS INTEGRATED ELECTRONICS by MILLMAN. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.385-405 Call number: 621.3815 MIL.
MICROCONTROLLERS by HINTZ. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.7-20 Call number: 004.16 HIN.
MICROELECTRONICS by MILLMAN. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.412-413 Call number: 621.3817 L9 MIL.
ELECTRICAL MACHINES by BHATTACHARYA. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.333-339 Call number: 621.31042 BHA.
DESIGN OF TRANSFORMERS by DASGUPTA. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No. 440 Call number: 621.314 DAS.
PROBABILITY STATISTIC AND RANDOM PROCESS by VEERARAJAN. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.196-203 Call number: 519.2 VEE.
POWER SYSTEM ENGINEERING by KOTHATI. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.348-356 Call number: 621.319 KOT.
POWER SYSTEM PROTECTION AND SWITCHGEAR by BADRI RAM. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.344-347 Call number: 621.317 BAD.
POWER SYSTEM PRODUCTION AND SWITCHGEAR by OZA. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.348-356 Call number: 621.319 OZA.
POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS by GRANGER. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.348-356 Call number: 621.319 GRA.
POWER ELECTRONICS by SEN. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): DL-EEE Call number: 621.317 SEN.
BASIC ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING by CATHEY. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.325-332 Call number: 621.3 CAT.
BASIC ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 1 by DHOGAL. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: TATA McGRAW HILL Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.325-332 Call number: 621.3 DHO.