The Monk who sold his Ferrari by Robin Sharma. Language: English Publication details: Jaico Publishers 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 158.1 Q2 SHA.
The Mastery manual by Robin Sharma. Language: English Publication details: Jaico Publishers 2018Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 158.1 Q8 SHA.
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnecie. Language: English Publication details: Taraporevala Sons & Co. 1966Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 158.1 J6 CAR.
The one thing by Gary Keller. Language: English Publication details: John murray Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Book Bank Call number: 158.1 KEL.
Think & Grow rich by Napoleon Hill. Language: English Publication details: Jainco Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 HIL.
Same soul, Many bodies by Brain Weiss. Language: English Publication details: Piatkus 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 P4 WEI.
Messages from the masters tapping into the power of love by Brian Weiss. Language: English Publication details: Piatkus 2020Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 P0 WEI.
The 7 Habits of highly effective people by Stephen R Covey. Language: English Publication details: Simon&schuster 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 P4 COV.
Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Language: English Publication details: Simon&schuster 2016Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 Q6 BYR.
Secret the Magic by Rhonda Byrne. Language: English Publication details: Simon&schuster 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 Q2 BYR.
Secret the power by Rhonda Byrne. Language: English Publication details: Simon&schuster 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 Q0 BYR.
Start with why by Simon Sinek. Language: English Publication details: Penguin 2019Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 Q9 SIN.
The obstacle is the way by Ryan Holiday. Language: English Publication details: Profile Books 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 Q4 HOL.
How to talk to anyone by Leil Lowndes. Language: English Publication details: Harper Collins 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 Q4 LOW.
The 7 Questions by Nick Hatter. Language: English Publication details: Piatkus 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 Q2 HAT.
12 Rules for life by Jordan B Peterson. Language: English Publication details: Penguin 2018Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 Q8 PET.
The art of thinking clearly by Rolf Dobelli. Language: English Publication details: Sceptre 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 Q3 DOB.
The courage to be disliked by Ichiro Kishimi. Language: English Publication details: Allen &Unwin 2018Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 Q8 KIS.
Thinking, Fast and slow by Daniel Kahneman. Language: English Publication details: Penguin 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 Q2 KAH.
Your next five moves by Patrick Bet-David. Language: English Publication details: Gallery Books 2020Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 R0 BET.
The 48 laws of Power by Robert Greene. Language: English Publication details: Profile Books 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 P6 GRE.
How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie. Language: English Publication details: Vermilion 2016Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 P6 CAR.
Get epic shit done by Ankur Warikoo. Language: English Publication details: Juggernaut 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 R2 WAR.
Do Epic shit by Ankur Warikoo. Language: English Publication details: Juggernaut 2021Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 R1 WAR.
Think straight by Darius Foroux. Language: English Publication details: Penguin 2020Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 R0 FOR.
Rich Dad's guide to investing by Robert T Kiyosaki. Language: English Publication details: Plata 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 Q2 KIY.
The art of public speaking by Dale Carnegie. Language: English Publication details: Jainco 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 R2 CAR.
The wisdom of Morrie by Morrie Schwartz. Language: English Publication details: Sphere 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 R3 SCH.
Stop over thinking by Nick Trenton. Language: English Publication details: Penguin 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 R3 TRE.
Most and more by Mahatria Ra. Language: English Publication details: Manjul 2020Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 R0 MAH.
The book of beautiful questions by Warren Berger. Language: English Publication details: Bloomsbury 2019Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 Q9 BER.
Mindset by Carol S Dweck. Language: English Publication details: Robinson 2017Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 Q7 DWE.
Wishes won't bring riches by Napoleon Hill. Language: English Publication details: Tarcherperigee 2018Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 Q8 HIL.
The power of one thought by Shivani. Language: English Publication details: Harper Collins 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 R3 SHI.
Stillness is the key by Ryan Holiday. Language: English Publication details: Profile Books 2019Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 Q9 HOL.
Win the day by Mark Batterson. Language: English Publication details: Multnomah 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 R3 BAT.
Mini Habits elastic habits by Stephen Guise. Language: English Publication details: Wisdom tree 2019Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 Q9 GUI.
Healing is the new high by Vex King. Language: English Publication details: Hay House 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 R3 KIN.
The Greatest Secret by Rhonda Byrine. Language: English Publication details: Harper collins 2020Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 R0 BYR.
Emotional Intelligence why it can matter more than IQ by Daniel Goleman. Language: English Publication details: Bloomsbury 2021Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 R1 GOL.
The 5 am club by Robin Sharma. Language: English Publication details: Jaico 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 R3 SHA.
10 Success secrets by Napoleon Hill. Language: English Publication details: Jaico 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 R3 HIL.
Rules of power by Jeffrey Pfeffer. Language: English Publication details: Swift 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 R2 RFE.
365 Ways to live mindfully by Pascale F Engelmajer. Language: English Publication details: Hachette 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Guest House Call number: 158.1 R2 ENG.
How to be better at… Creativity by Geoff petty. Edition: 2Language: English Publication details: Rossendale books 2017Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No. 724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q7 PET.
Mind your Mind Three Principles for Happy Living by Venugopal Acharya. Language: English Publication details: Hachette 2020Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): KIDs Section Call number: 158.1 R0 VEN.
Be the Smarter You by Rasikraman Das. Language: English Publication details: Simon&Schuster 2021Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): KIDs Section Call number: 158.1 R1 RAS.
The Monk Who sold his Ferrari by Robin Sharma. Language: English Publication details: Jaico Books 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q1 SHA.
The Greatness Guide 2 by Robin Sharma. Language: English Publication details: Jaico Books 2016Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q6 SHA.
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. Language: English Publication details: The Modern Library 2003Availability: Not available: Checked out (1).
The Awakening of Nachiketa by Devdas Menon. Language: English Publication details: Pothi 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 R2 DEV.
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Language: English Publication details: Beyond words 2006Availability: Not available: Checked out (1).
Eat that Frog by Brain Tracy. Edition: 3Language: English Publication details: BK Publishers 2017Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q7 TRA.
The Almanack of Naval Ravikant by Eric Jorgenson. Language: English Publication details: Harpercollins 2020Availability: Not available: Checked out (1).
The Courage to be Happy by Ichiro Kishimi, Fumitake Koga. Language: English Publication details: Allen & Unwin 2020Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 R0 KIS .
The Courage to be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi, Fumitake Koga. Language: English Publication details: Allen & Unwin 2018Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q8 KIS.
Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress Free Productivity by David Allen. Language: English Publication details: Piatkus 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q5 ALL.
Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman. Language: English Publication details: Allen Lane 2011Availability: Not available: Checked out (1).
The One Thing by Gary Keller. Language: English Publication details: John Murray 2012Availability: Not available: Checked out (1).
Insanely Simple The Obsession that Drives Apple's Success by Ken Segall. Language: English Publication details: Portfolio Penguin 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 P2 SEG.
Scientology A New Slant on Life by Ron Hubbard. Language: English Publication details: Bridge Publications 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 P7 HUB.
Inspiring Thoughts on Management by Meera Johri. Language: English Publication details: Rajpal & Sons 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 P8 MEE.
The Happiness Within by The Hindu (Pub). Language: English Publication details: The Hindu 2019Availability: Not available: Checked out (1).
One Dalit Girl by Palle Krishna Rao. Language: English Publication details: KLM Printers 2016Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q6 PAL.
One Dalit Girl by Palle Krishna Rao. Language: English Publication details: KLM Printers 2016Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q6 PAL.
mMedai Pechu by Jagadeesan. Language: Tamil Publication details: Nanthini Pathipagam 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q1JAG.
Swami vivekanantharin varalarum arivuraikalum by Ramakrishna Matam (pub). Language: Tamil Publication details: Ramakrishna Matam 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q2 RAM.
SECRETS FOR SUCCESS by PROF RAO M S. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: RUPA PUBLICATIONS (INDIA) PVT., LTD. 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q1 RAO.
SUCCESS IS NEVER ENDING FAILURE IS NEVER FINAL by ROBERT SCHULLER. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: UNIVERSITY SCIENCE PRESS 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 P1 SCH.
THE ROAD LESS TRAVELLED by M SCOTT PECK. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: ARROW BOOKS 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 P6 SCO.
HOE TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE by DALE CARNEGIE. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: VERMILION 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q2 CAR.
THE QUICK WAY TO EFFECTIVE SPEAKING by DALE CARNEGIE. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: POCKET BOOKS 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 L7 CAR.
HOE TO STOP WORROYING AND START LIVING by DALE CARNEGIE. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: POCKET BOOKS 1984Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 M4 CAR.
THINK AND GROW RICH by NEPOLEON HILL. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: VERMILION 2003Availability: Not available: Checked out (1).
CHANAKYA'S 7 SECRETS OF LEADERSHIP by RADHAKRISHNSN PILLAI, SIVANANDHAN D. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: JAICO PUBLISHING HOUSE 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q4 RAD.
101 PROMISES WORTH KEEPING by NEIL ESKELIN. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: MANJUL PUBLICATION HOUSE 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q1 ESK.
HOW TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL ORATOR by MILIND V BHUTKAR. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: UNICORN BOOKS PVT LTD 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q3 MIL.
WHY WORRY? BE HAPPY by TEO AIK CHER. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: SHETH PUBLISHING HOUSE 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q2 CHE.
BODY LANGUAGE by VINAY MOHAN SHARMA. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: V & S PUBLISHERS 2014Availability: Not available: Checked out (1).
MOTIVATION AND GOAL - SETTING by JIM CAIRO. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: MASTER MIND BOOKS 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 P7 CAI.
BRING OUT THE MAGIC IN YOUR MIND by AL KORAN. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: EMBASSY BOOK DISTRIBUTERS 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q1 KOR.
ADIMANATHIN SUVADUGAL by THAMILARUVI MANIAN. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: KARPAGAM PITHAKALAYAM 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q3 TAM.
THANNAMBIKKAI SIRAGUKAL by KAVITHASAN. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: KUMARAN PATHIPPAGAM 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q2 KAV.
MUYARCHIYE MOOLADHANAM by KAVITHASAN. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: KUMARAN PATHIPPAGAM 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 P9 KAV.
EMAATRATHE EMAARATHE by SUKI SIVAM. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: KAVITHA PUBLICATIONS 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q2 SUK.
PRATHANAI by SUKI SIVAM. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: SUKI BOOKS 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q1 SUK.
PENNAE MEE VAAZHGA by SUKI SIVAM. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: KAVITHA PUBLICATIONS 2012Availability: Not available: Checked out (1).
PADIKKA JEYIKKA by SUKI SIVAM. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: SUKI BOOKS 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q1 SUK.
SINDHANAI MUTHUKAL by SUKI SIVAM. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: SUKI BOOKS 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q3 SUK.
VETRI NITCHAYAM by SUKI SIVAM. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: SUKI BOOKS 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q1 SUK.
VAZHNDHU PARKALAM VAA by SUKI SIVAM. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: SUKI BOOKS 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q3 SUK.
VETRIKKU MEL VETRI by KAVIDHASAN. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: KUMARAN PATHIPPAGAM 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q3 KAV.
VETRI MEDAI by KAVIDASAN. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: KUMARAN PATHIPPAGAM 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q2 KAV.
VAANAM THODALAM VAANGA by KAVIDASAN. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: KUMARAN PATHIPPAGAM 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q4 KAV.
ENNENGALAE EANIPADIGAL by KAVIDASAN. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: KUMARAN PATHIPPAGAM 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q3 KAV.
SAMAYAM ORU PUTIYA PAARVAI by SUKI SIVAM. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: VANATHI PATHIPAGAM 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q3 SUK.
SAATHANAIKAL EPPOTHUM SATHIAMTHAN by KIRAN BEDI, SIRPI. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: KAVITHA PUBLICATIONS 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 P6 KIR.
EN PAARVAIEL by KIRAN BEDI. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: KAVITHA PUBLICATIONS 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 P6 KIR.
PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR STUDENTS by JOAN VAN EMDEN, LUCINDA BECKER. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: MACMILLAN PUBLISHERS INDIA LID. 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q1 EMD.
PRESENCE: THE INTIMACY OF ALL EXPERIENCE VOLUME II by RUPERTSPIRA. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NON - DUALITY PRESS 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q1 SPI.
THE GREATNESS GUIDE by ROBIN SHARMA. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: JAICO PUBLISHING HOUSE 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q4 SHA.
HOW TO PRACTICE THE WAY TO A MEANINGFUL LIFE by DALAI LAMA. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: RIDER 1988Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 M8 LAM.
THE MONK WHO SOLD HIS FERRARI by ROBIN SHARMA. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: JAICO PUBLISHING HOUSE 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q5 SHA.
THE MONK WHO SOLD HIS FERRARI by ROBIN SHARMA. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: JAICO PUBLISHING HOUSE 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q5 SHA.
THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING by NORMAN VINCENT PEALE. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: SIMON AND SCHUSTER 2015Availability: Not available: Checked out (1).
SIX THINKING HATS by EDWARD DE BONO. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: PENGUIN BOOKS 1999Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 N9 BON.
YAR ALUVAR NEE UYIR THURAKKAYIL by ROBIN SHARMA. Language: TAMIL Publication details: JAICO PUBLISHING HOUSE 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q5 SHA.
STOP SLEEP WALKING THROUGH LIFE by DEVDAS MENON. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: YOGI IMPRESSIONS BOOKS PVT. LTD. 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (25) . Location(s): Shelf No.724-726 Call number: 158.1 Q4 DVE.