MECHANICS OF MACHINES by RAMAMURTI V. Edition: 3Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No.513-527 Call number: 621.8 Q0 RAM.
ADVANCED STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS by DEVDAS MENON. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.571-577 Call number: 624.171 P9 MEN.
FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICAL DRIVES by GOPAL K DUBEY. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (8) . Location(s): Shelf No.506-509 Call number: 621.46 P1 DUB.
AN INTRODUCTION TO FORMAL LANGUAGES AND AUTOMATA by PETER LINZ. Edition: 4Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.79 Call number: 005.131 P6 LIN.
FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICAL DRIVES by GOPAL K DUBEY. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (8) . Location(s): Shelf No.506-509 Call number: 621.46 P1 DUB.
FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICAL DRIVES by GOPAL K DUBEY. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (12) . Location(s): Shelf No.506-509 Call number: 621.46 P1 DUB.
SOLAR ENERGY FUNDAMENTALS DESIGN MODELLING AND APPLICATIONS by TIWARI. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.510 Call number: 621.47 P2 TIW.
COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN SOFTWARE AND ANALYTICAL TOOLS by KRISHNAMOORTHY. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 1991Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No.674-678 Call number: 670.285 N1 KRI.
PRACTICAL NON - DESTRUCTIVE TESTING by BALDEV RAJ. Edition: 3Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No.312 Call number: 620.1127 P7 BAL.
COMPUTATIONAL FLUID FLOW AND HEAT TRANSFER by MURALIDHAR. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.242 Call number: 532.5 P3 MUR.
COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE PIPELINED AND PARALLEL PROCESSOR DESIGN by MICHAEL J FLYNN. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 1995Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): DL-CSE Call number: 004.22 N5 FLY.
MECHANICS OF MACHINES by RAMAMURTI. Edition: 3Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No.513-527 Call number: 621.8 Q0 RAM.
ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS by JAIN R K IYENGAR S R K. Edition: 5Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2016Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (10) . Location(s): Shelf No.148-171 Call number: 510 Q6 JAI.
PRACTICAL NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING by BALDEV RAJ. Edition: 3Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.312 Call number: 620.1127 P7 BAL.
SOLID STATE PHYSICS STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS by WAHAB. Edition: 3Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (25) . Location(s): Shelf No.240 Call number: 530.41 Q5 WAH.
SOLID STATE PHYSICS STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS by WAHAB. Edition: 3Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No.240 Call number: 530.41 Q5 WAH.
PRACTICAL NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING by BALDEV RAJ. Edition: 3Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.312 Call number: 620.1127 P7 BAL.
PRACTICAL NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING by BALDEV RAJ. Edition: 3Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (7) . Location(s): Shelf No.312 Call number: 620.1127 P7 BAL.
STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS by DEVDAS MENON. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2017Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (7) . Location(s): Shelf No.571-577 Call number: 624.171 Q7 MEN.
PRESTRESSED CONCRETE by RAJAGOPALAN. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.596-597 Call number: 624.183412 P5 RAJ.
STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS by DEVDAS MENON. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2017Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (3) . Location(s): Shelf No.571-577 Call number: 624.171 Q7 DEV.
FUNDAMENTALS OF POWER ELECTRONICS by RAMA REDDY. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.344-347 Call number: 621.317 Q4 RAM.
FUNDAMENTALS OF POWER ELECTRONICS by RAMA REDDY. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No.344-347 Call number: 621.317 Q4 RAM.
MECHANICAL MEASUREMENTS by THOMAS G BECKWITH. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 1982Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.281 Call number: 620.0044 M2 BEC.
AN INTRODUCTION TO DATABASE SYSTEMS by DATE. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 1981Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.103-108 Call number: 005.74 M1 DAT.
COMPUTATIONAL FLUID FLOW AND HEAT TRANSFER by MURALIDHAR. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (1) . Location(s): Shelf No.242 Call number: 532.5 P3 MUR.
ORGANIC SPECTROSCOPY PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS by JAG MOHAN. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2020Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (2) . Location(s): Shelf No. 570 Call number: 621.361 R0 JAG.
PRESTRESSED CONCRETE by RAJAGOPALAN. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (3) . Location(s): Shelf No.596-597 Call number: 624.183412 P2 RAJ.
AIRCRAFT AND AUTOMOBILE PROPULSION A TEXT BOOK by HIMANSHU SHEKHAR. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No.503-505 Call number: 621.43 Q3 HIM.
NONCONVENTIONAL MACHINING by MISHRA P K. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No.690 Call number: 671.35 Q4 MIS.
AN INTRODUCTION TO MECHANICS OF MATERIALS by VIJAY GUPTA. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No. 404 Call number: 621.112 Q3 IJ.
MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROCONTROLLERS 8085, 8086 AND 8051 by AMAR K GANGULY, ANUVA GANGULY. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No.7-20 Call number: 004.16 Q2 AMA.
FOUNDATIONS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY by JOHN R REITZ, FREDERICK J MILFORD, ROBERT W CHRISTY. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No.235-239 Call number: 530.141 N8 REI.
FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICAL DRIVES by GOPAL K DUBEY. Edition: 2Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No.506-509 Call number: 621.46 Q3 DUB.
VLSI DESIGN by BASU D K. Language: ENGLISH Publication details: NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (5) . Location(s): Shelf No.471-480 Call number: 621.395 Q4 BAS.